
Sheep Evolution Simulator 1.0 - App Store

About Sheep Evolution Simulator

Combine sheep to evolve them and watch for the appearance of awesome horned monsters. Gradually you will be able to capture a few planets! Amazing transformations occur before your eyes. Promote and enrich the nature of...

Combine sheep to evolve them and watch for the appearance of awesome horned monsters. Gradually you will be able to capture a few planets! Amazing transformations occur before your eyes. Promote and enrich the nature of the Earth, helping the evolution of sheep. HOW TO PLAY It's easy! * Coins - a waste product of sheep. The coins have each monster! * Move sheep to one another that they evolved in advanced sheep. * As often as possible click on the sheep! It stimulates them to make more coins. FEATURES * Two lovely planet Earth and Mars! * Four exciting dimensions! * The story that you do with your hands * Four of these deities * Unexpected combination of something like Alpaca Evolution, 2048 and incremental clicker * Amazing genetic mutations * Doodle graphics Home sheep, a cloven-hoofed mammal of the genus sheep of bovids, which includes also goats and cattle. This animal in ancient times it was domesticated by man, mainly thanks to its thick wool and edible meat. Sheared sheep's wool, or fleece, used more often than the wool of any other animal. Sheep meat, mutton, is one of the important consumer products in many countries around the world. In addition to receiving the wool and meat, sheep are also bred to produce sheep's milk, made him a cheese, cooking oil and pelts (sheepskin). Sheep are used in scientific experiments, the most famous representative of this species is considered to be Dolly the sheep, the world's first cloned mammal. Under the sheep mean the female sheep and males are called rams. Young females who have not reached puberty are called arkami, and the offspring of lambs. Sheep - breeding, dedicated to the breeding of sheep is practiced throughout the world and at all times played an important role in the economy of many countries. Currently, the greatest number of sheep available in China, Australia, India, Iran, New Zealand, UK, South Africa, Turkey, Pakistan and Spain. In the post-Soviet countries, the most important sheep-breeding as the livestock industry in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Moldova and southern Russia. The characteristic sheep of the features is the presence of glands, opening the channels between the fingers, spirally curved horns with transverse ridges and the lack of males have beards. Not all sheep provide the fleece removed by shearing in the form of a single layer; some belong to the smooth type. The exact origin of domestic sheep is unknown. Their ancestors are considered wild taxa, it is the European mouflon, the Asiatic mouflon from the Middle East and urial (steppe), or ladacki, a sheep native to Central Asia. Sheep have been domesticated together with other livestock in the Neolithic, 000-8000 12 years ago. The middle Eastern Neolithic sites closer to our time, the more is found the remnants of the sheep along with the spindles and other evidence of weaving. By the beginning of the historical era appear coarse, innohosting and primitive fine-wooled sheep. Judging from the earliest written monuments of the sheep is widely used to obtain as meat and wool, the former at that time one of the most important items of barter. In Europe, the sheep began to grow in settled households. In Central Asia they have been domesticated later than in the middle East, but sheep-breeding has spread here over vast territories and became the basis of the welfare of nomadic peoples. Most modern highly productive breeds of sheep of meat and meat-wool is created in the British Isles or with a significant participation of the British breeds. In Britain, there are 31 Association for the breeding of purebred sheep. Sheep have historically served as one of the world's major sources of meat and wool, and their milk used to produce cheese. Sheep were and still are the basis of the exchange of goods - directly or "as" hair non-perishable, easy to transport product.

Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Previous Versions

Here you can find the changelog of Sheep Evolution Simulator since it was posted on our website on 2017-01-05 09:37:22. The latest version is 1.0 and it was updated on 2024-04-22 14:23:15. See below the changes in each version.

Sheep Evolution Simulator version 1.0
Updated At: 2016-11-15

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Updated At: 2024-04-22 14:23:15
Publisher: Ivan Khokhlov
Operating System: IOS
License Type: Free